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Real Estate Private Equity Advisory

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Alliance Real Estate Capital is a boutique advisory, with two primary focuses; on providing equity funding solutions on pre-planning transactions. Utilising our network of equity funders, we procure capital, and structure financing on all types of pre-planning strategies, for landowners, strategic land promoters and property developers. We also originate acquisition opportunities, and advise on the deal whilst assessing how the funding structure will drive returns according to the terms of the acquisition, and proposed strategy.
Strategic Land promotion
Multi asset class developments
Value Add opportunistic strategies
Senior Debt
Preferred Equity
Joint Ventures
Who We Are
Who We Are
A small team, with direct hands on experience carrying out complex, land acquisition transactions for volume housebuilders, and SME developers. Combined with a background in corporate finance and investment banking. Value engineering development schemes to maximise a sites value is what we know best, and efficiently structuring finance to drive equity returns.

Funding Requirement Summary
Up to 100% of total pre-planning costs
Taking Local Plan allocated sites through the planning process
Edge of settlement non allocated sites considered
Up to 90% of equity for unconditional purchases
£5M GDV and above
10+ units
Brownfield or Greenfield sites
Option / Promotion / Hybrid / Conditional agreements
All asset classes - preference for C3 residential, C2 extra care, PBSA
UK wide
Existing planning applications considered with a view to enhancing the scheme and significantly increasing land value
Value-add properties with potential for change of use
Inner city sites allocated within regeneration frameworks, suitable for high rise developments
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